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    The Bafta Cymru award-winning In My Skin (5x30’) made by Expectation Entertainment is a dark comedy series from writer Kayleigh Llewell yn who has mined her own experiences to create this coming-of-age story about a teenage girl leading a double life. Bethan (Gabrielle Creevy) desperately tries to keep the truth of her home life a secret from her friends. But when your mother (Jo Hartley) is sectioned in a mental facility near your school and has a penchant for breaking out, and your father (Rhodri Meilir) is a Hell’s Angel who drives a rag-and-bone truck, flying under the radar isn’t so easy. Nevertheless, Bethan is determined to save her own blushes. But her cheek and wit can only carry her so far, as she digs herself deeper and deeper into a hole of her own lies. Along the way there are lesbian infatuations, tough love from her Nana, and non-stop interferences from her bulldozer teacher, who is always on her case. It’s funny, raw and heartbreaking at times, as we vicariously relive our adolescence through Bethan - the confusing, intoxicating, painful mess of it all.看吧动漫


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